Introducing Gusto Global

Introducing Gusto Global

We’re thrilled to announce Gusto Global, our new Employer of Record (EOR) service powered by Remote. Launching later this year, this solution is designed to help you hire, pay, and manage your global team with more confidence than ever before. Gusto Global is starting in beta in Canada now and will be available in additional countries in the weeks ahead. Remote operates in 75+ countries around the world.

Manage your global team with our all-in-one platform.

With Gusto, running global payroll and reports doesn’t mean toggling between different platforms. Gusto Global puts all of your team members—global or domestic, employees or contractors—in one place. Hiring and paying your growing team has never been easier.

Hire globally—quickly and confidently.

Built-in compliance management
With Gusto Global, we’ll actively monitor changes in local regulations to help you stay compliant wherever you take your business.

Best-in-class service with localized expertise
Through our partnership with Remote, every country you expand to is a 100% owned entity, giving you localized support and compliance management. We don’t rely on outside vendors to help you achieve your expansion goals. 

Southern Payroll & Bookkeeping is Your Global Employment Partner.

Wherever you grow, Southern Payroll & Bookeeping can implement Gusto Global to make it easy for you to hire in new countries around the world. Say goodbye to the hassles of opening, paying for, and maintaining your own entity. And if you ever have questions, our HR, legal, tax, and benefits experts are there to guide you through the process.

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Introducing Gusto Global